Each season, we feature some special treasures to showcase in our Featured Books section. Take a scroll through the items on this page and contact us with any questions!
A Compleat And Humorous Account Of All The Remarkable Clubs And Societies In The Cities Of London And Westminster…
from the R——L S——y Down to the Lumber Troop, &c. Their original with Characters of the most noted Members, containing great variety of entertaining Discourses, Frolicks, and Adventures of the principal managers and members, a work of great use and curiosity. Compil’d from the original papers of a Gent. who frequented those places upwards of twenty years; Edward Ward; London; Printed for the Author and sold by Joseph Collier at Shakspear’s Head in Ludgate Street; 1745. Full leather.
Very rare.

Travels in America Performed in the Year 1806 for the Purpose of Exploring the Rivers of Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio and Mississippi

Thomas Ashe, Esq., London, 1809, Printed for Richard Phillips. Three-quarter leather over marbled boards, gilt titles on spine with 5 raised bands.

A Treatise on Fractures and Luxations and Other Affections of the Bones; P.J. Desault, 3rd edition, Philadelphia, Kimber & Sharpless, 1817; three full-page plates. Full tree calf. Previous owners signature of “Jno. Ridgely,” probably John Ridgely a surgeon in both the American-Mexican War and the Indian Wars.

Domestic Medicine; or the Family Physician;
William Buchan, M.D., Philadelphia, Printed by John Dunlap for R. Aitken, at his Book-Store, nearly opposite the London Coffee-House in Front Street; 1st American edition, 1772; bound with A Dissertation on the Gout and All Chronic Diseases; William Cadogan; Philadelphia, Printed for and Sold by Aitken at his Book-Store, nearly opposite the London Coffee-House in Front Street; 1772. Full leather, lacking the final page with two paragraphs of printing. These two books were bound together in the American printings.
Copies with the two books bound together can be found in libraries but we have been unable to find any copies for sale. There is one copy of the Dissertation on Gout for sale but it is not bound with the Domestic Medicine.

Johnson’s Dictionary;

London, Knapton et al., 1760, 2 volumes: A Dictionary of the English Language . . .in Two Volumes, The Second Octavo Edition, corrected. Recently rebound in full leather, with gilt labels on spines.

History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay from the First Settlement thereof in 1628 until its incorporation with the Colony of Plymouth . . .

by the Charter of King William and Queen Mary in 1691. By Mr. Hutchinson, the Lieutenant-Governor of the Massachusetts Provice; 2nd edition, 1760; London, Printed for M. Richardson, in Pater-noster Row. Recently re-backed in full leather with new endpapers.

The History of Miss Pittborough in a Series of Letters;
By A Lady – In Two Volumes; London, A. Millar, et al., 1767. Recently rebound in full leather, with gilt labels on spines.
Very Rare. Author unknown.

SMITH, ADAM: Moral Sentiments “Towards an Analysis of the Principles by which Men Naturally Judge“
Concerning the Conduct and Character, First of Their Neighbours, and Afterwards of Themselves. To which is added, A Dissertation on the Origin of Languages.”; 1ST U.S. EDITION; Anthony Finley, Philadelphia, 1817. Please call for a description of the condition.

Henry Care; English Liberties: Or, The Free-Born Subject’s Inheritance, Containing I. Magna Charta. . . , the Habeas Corpus Act; and several other Statutes, with comments upon each of them.
London, Printed by Eliz. Nutt . . .For Arthur Bettesworth, 4th edition, 1719.

Commentarii linguae Graecae, Gulielmo Budaeo, consiliario Regio, supplicúmque libelloru[m] in Regia magistro, auctore.
Ab eodem accuratè recogniti, atque amplius tertia parte aucti. Guillaime Bude; Estienne, Paris, 1548. First Robert Estienne edition of this important work by the most influential of the French humanist scholars of the early 16th century. The book was instrumental in spreading the study of Greek throughout France. The first edition was originally published in 1529, but this definitive edition is enlarged by more than one-third from notes left by Guillaume Budé, one of the greatest Renaissance contributors to the study of Greek antiquity. Indeed, Budé’s “Commentarii” formed the basis for the study of the Greek language in France and served as the basis of Henri Estienne’s “Thesaurus Graecae linguae” (Schreiber). Provenance: Bookplate of Panshanger, the estate of the Earls of Cowper. Emily Lamb married the 4th Earl of Cowper in 1805. Her bother was William Lamb, whose signature and the date October 1807 appear on Title Page. William Lamb later became the 2nd Viscount Melbourne, favorite Prime Minister of Queen Victoria.
Folio Original bind-stamped vellum, with two clasps.

Classen, Albrecht: Reading Medieval European Women Writers: Strong Literary Witnesses from the Past.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2016. First edition. 8vo., pp. 236. Hardback: laminated decorative boards. Unused, a hint of shelfwear only otherwise as new.